8th Annual Training Course in Biomedical Innovation and Entrepreneurship for European Students


Jun 17 2020

SPARK Finland organizes together with European SPARKs and University Technology Sydney in Australia the 8thAnnual Training Course in Biomedical Innovation and Entrepreneurship. First time in its history, this intensive course is organized online for European participants.

The goal of the course is to train students to develop skills in design thinking, brainstorming, product development, business skills, and commercialization for unmet medical needs and to become more creative, innovative and savvy in translational research in the Biomedical Sciences. This is taught through lectures, group work and presentations.

Please see SPARK Finland Events for more details 

Course information:

Dates: August 3rd – August 14th 2020 (requires active full-day participation).
Venue: Zoom
Participants: up to 40 participants from European SPARK programs (5 per program). PhD students or post docs from SPARK associated universities, and hospitals.

Course Design and Coordinator: Professor Michael Wallach, UTS Australia.
Course Leaders: Professor Michael Wallach, Professor Daria Mochly-Rosen and Professor Kevin Grimes (Directors of SPARK at Stanford), Mr. Pasi Sorvisto (SPARK Finland)
Course Organizers: Outi Väisänen (SPARK Finland) and Isabella Hajduk (SPARK Oceania)

Information on enrollment can be asked from local SPARK Europe managers. In Finland, more information is given by outi.vaisanen@tuni.fi

How to Apply in Finland: Fill in the application form.  latest on July 1st 2020

Selection Process: The Finnish participants are selected in the order of enrollment, based on their motivation and cv evaluated by SPARK Finland management team. Selections will be informed by 3.7.2020. 

Cost: 50 € for students outside SPARK Finland teams(including VAT). SPARK Finland will cover the rest of the cost. The cost is non-refundable.

(Note: course is free for members of SPARK Finland project teams)


The 7th BIE was organized on-site in Sydney, Australia in September 2019, and here is some feedback of the course from the participants:

I think it was really valuable content, especially for a crash course in business development. Definitely reached its goals!

The course definitely reached its goals, as I’m not the same person that I was before the course. It is mind-changing. The content was very well selected and presented. Along with lectures we had exercises, seminars, chats, team work, that helped to reach the goal of the course, changing us and making us more creative and prepared to implement our ideas in life.

I think the course was excellent and all of the contributors worked incredibly hard to put it together. The content blocks chosen to teach over the two weeks were well timed and very relevant. If the goals of the course were to inspire, educate and slightly scare a large group of students then it succeeded!

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