Anu Meerwaldt joined SPARK management team


Nov 18 2022

SPARK Finland, Amanda Paananen, Management Team, Anu Meerwaldt

We are truly thrilled to announce that Anu Meerwaldt has joined SPARK Finland management team. Amanda Paananen, Development Manager of Helsinki capital region, is now on her leave and will return back to the team in Spring 2024. Anu will start by replacing Amanda during her leave, but since we have so many new cool things bubbling under, the future plans will be announced when the time is right.

Anu is a business-oriented biomedical scientist who holds a MSc in Neuroscience (Utrecht University) and a MSc in Industrial Engineering (Lappeenranta University). She has several years of experience in business consultancy working with large Finnish and European companies. Her biomedical career (UMC Utrecht & Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) focuses on medical imaging and nanotechnology and she is currently finalising her PhD. She also works – alongside with SPARK – as a business development officer at University of Helsinki Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team.

Her core responsibilities at SPARK Finland are in commercial aspects of the projects and coordination of SPARK activities in Helsinki capital region.

Warm welcomes Anu to join this great program and our management team!