New SPARKees selected to SPARK Finland
Last week our international evaluation panel selected a new batch of projects (Batch 2019) for SPARK Finland. Projects represent wide spectrum of competencies and strengths that Finland has in health tech and life science space.
Teams are starting now their SPARK journey and integrating themselves into local ecosystems (other project teams, mentors, advisors…). They will be re-iterating their projects from SPARK perspective and explore also how they can seize opportunities that global SPARK network can provide.
We selected for the second time “prospect SPARKees” that are typically high risk/high reward projects that might need a bit extended development time (a third year) in the program and might require more upfront clarification work in initial phase (e.g. with technological feasibility, IP situation, freedom to operate, competition analysis, strategic differentiation, market positioning). Prospects become “full SPARKees” if/when they achieve their half year or first year milestones.
New projects and teams are:
Stay tuned for the news on how our projects are progressing. You can find all of our projects from here.