SPARK Finland selected 19 new SPARKees


Dec 18 2019

SPARK Finland, SPARKees, evaluation panel, Patch 2020

In December 9-10 SPARK Finland International evaluation panel selected new patch of SPARK projects and teams. Projects will start 2-3 year program in January 2020.

International panel of 15 acknowledged professionals in health tech and life sciences represented experience in international business, R&D, technology development, science and financing.

According to the panel level of applications was exceptionally high as well as the amount of high quality projects. That is why SPARK Finland selected record high 19 new projects to the program. 16 of the new projects were selected by evaluation panel and three new projects starts also at University of Eastern Finland. Expansion of SPARK to Eastern Finland enables reaching also the record high potential of scientists, clinicians and students of health tech and life sciences.

Reasons for high number of high quality projects is mainly based on the success of alumni SPARKees. Awareness of positive experiences and success of the former SPARKees has increased remarkably. And positive reputation is justified. As an example large share of former and current SPARKees have raised remarkably large financing packages during the program and as startups right after completing the program. And access to global SPARK network is highly valued by applicants.

Also collaboration activity between TTOs or innovation services and SPARK seem to have remarkable impact on prevalence of selected projects. From those institutions in which TTO and innovation services are actively collaborating with SPARK, the number of selected projects – by evaluation panel – was the highest.

We will announce the full list of new SPARKees very soon.

In 2020 SPARK Finland continues with a record high number of projects and aims to support even stronger emergence of the new international success cases in health tech and life sciences from Finland.