SPARK Finland started a new four-year period


Feb 12 2024

SPARK Finland, SPARK Finland community

In December 2023, the SPARK Finland consortium signed a four-year program agreement for years 2024-2027. This is a continuation of the journey that started officially in spring 2017.

SPARK Finland has gained a remarkable position not only in the Finnish but also in the Nordic and European landscapes for developing new value-creating solutions for health. The program has also been acknowledged in global arenas and has thus been invited to bring project teams to multiple industry, investor and partnering events. The reason is that our cases have been proven to be top-notch by global standards.

For the next four years, our program will continue building new offerings for scientists, students and healthcare professionals, be active in strengthening Nordic and European networks, and support ecosystem development in the region. Since in Nordics we have small countries with multiple similarities, it is natural to join forces for building new solutions and businesses.

The whole SPARK Finland community is thankful to all enablers for the continuation of this journey! We are looking forward to showing more of what doing things TOGETHER can really generate. “Together” is one of the best words for describing the very nature of the SPARK program.